Individual sessions that focus on enhancing your well-being, optimizing your performance, and aligning with your best self are available to you from anywhere in the world.
Team Sessions
Are you a coach or a team member, looking to level your squad? Webinars, team sessions, and ongoing training can help you prepare for your upcoming events, get you ready for your season, or help improve team dynamics.
Key Note, Presentation, and Speaking
Key note speeches, presentations, and speaking engagements on topics related to human performance and well-being.
Online Training Programs
Training plans are available on Training Peaks and Final Surge. Courses on Post Traumatic Growth and Mindfulness are available on Insight Timer (see below for links and more information).
Dr Justin Ross is a licensed clinical psychologist and certified cycling and running coach who specializes in health, wellness, and human performance. He has spent the bulk of his career aiding in mental health and wellness initiatives for those performing in stressful, high demanding environments, including those in healthcare as well as athletics.
Amateur Athlete
Sports History
Sports have played an integral role in Dr Ross' life. As an adult onset endurance athlete, he has found the pursuit of pushing past self-imposed limits in running shoes or on the bike to be deeply fulfilling. He is a 12 time marathoner, with 6 Boston Marathon qualifiers, and recently completed the Leadville Trail 100 Mountain Bike Race.